How to start affiliate marketing with no money - absolutely simple for beginners

Learn how to begin your affiliate marketing journey as a beginner, even completely without any penny

Are you interested in making money in affiliate marketing but have not much cash to being with? Or even without any penny to start with? Well, there is good news for you.

Even if you don't have much cash, you still can get started in affiliate marketing. But first, you need to understand some few things.

What is affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a kind of marketing whereby you can make money by promoting other people's products and services by referring them to the websites of the sellers who sell those products and services.

When that person referred by you makes that purchase, or even subscribe as a free member, you earn a commission. The marketing system of affiliate marketing is beneficial to both the affiliate and the seller. The seller gets the sale and the affiliate is paid.

Read more about what is affiliate marketing.

Blogging for affiliate marketing

It's very common these days for bloggers to be earning from affiliate marketing. Many bloggers, such as Pat Flynn and Franklin Hatchett, make as much as $30,000 per month based on affiliate sales alone.

You might be thinking - so how can you be earning like them? Well, the answer is to build up a sizable audience of followers.

But what if you can't find them at the start? Do you still blog? Can you still earn as an affiliate?

Lucky star you are - the answer is still a yes!

Affiliate marketing as a business model

If you ever dream of a 4-hour work week, or even a 4-day work week at the start, you can follow in the footsteps of Tim Ferriss. It is still highly possible with affiliate marketing.

Different products and services come with different structures of commission payouts. Let's say for example, you are promoting an online video course. Many times in most cases, companies are willing to give you 40% to 50% commission. This means if you are promoting a $1,000 course online, you can earn $400 to $500 per sale transacted. Isn't this wonderful?

According to statistics in the USA, about more than 80% of companies leverage on affiliate marketing to promote their brand in the market. If you aren't doing affiliate marketing yet, these numbers alone have proven that you should enter the affiliate marketing game.

To start a business model in affiliate marketing, you should find a suitable product which you can promote and earn a commission out of it. The product must have an affiliate program (or referral program). It must ensure that out of every sale, you'll get paid and can withdraw after payment.

But first to start, think of the products you often use that benefit you daily. Or think of the products you have a deep passion for. Do you love the laptop you are using? Do you love the cake making machine which you are using? Even if you are a stay-at-home mom, affiliate marketing can still be a business model for you.

If you wish to start earning as Builderall affiliate, check out this calculator tool for Builderall

How to start affiliate marketing with no money

Whether your interest is in weight loss, self help, make money online or even products from Amazon or Share-A-Sale, the basic idea and approach to starting affiliate marketing with no money applies. The best way to have a successful affiliate marketing business running is still ultimately to start with a blog, landing page or a website.

However, if your budget is not sufficient and you are a complete beginner to affiliate marketing, there are some recommendations for you which you can use so that eventually, you're able to start your blog, landing page or website.

Create social media online presence

You certainly can become a blogger by becoming an affiliate marketer. But do one first step before becoming a blogger - monetize your online presence with the use of the social media. Do this with Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Their user base is total at millions, with billions altogether. Just ensure that you abide by their rules of posting and the restrictions of the sites. Failure to follow may get your account restricted or even banned.


Facebook is the top social media platform in the world, as you know it. With a billion user base worldwide, Facebook is definitely the place where you can start promoting you affiliate products. However, you have to do so in a discreet manner.

Firstly, you can start by setting up a Facebook page or group with a specific topic of interest - be it weight loss, healthy diet, make money online, pets training and many more. They must have a sizeable audience of folks interested in these topics. Remember, think of solutions to solve their problems!


Lately, there has been a surge in interest of using Pinterest for affiliate marketing. There's a particular routine which you need to follow strictly in order to achieve traffic flow to your site. But since you do not wish to create a site yet, you can just start some Pinterest boards and paste your affiliate links there without using the cloak function.

Read more about using Pinterest for affiliate marketing


This is one of the perfect platforms to use for affiliate marketing as a beginner. Facebook may be too saturated. Instagram can be used only if you can do a proper hashtag. The hashtags help to drive some traffic from other Instagram users. One way is to post your link from a common source (with an affiliate link inside the page) on your Instagram profile page as seen below as an example:


Leverage using YouTube

YouTube is not exactly a social media platform. Have you ever thought of using YouTube to do affiliate marketing? If you have the stamina, and the know-hows of doing some basic video editing, why not? This is the best time to use YouTube for affiliate marketing! Just do a search on affiliate marketing and you can find a list of affiliate marketers like this -

YouTube is without any doubt an effective platform for millions of users and for affiliate marketers to publish their video content. The best YouTubers earn millions in revenue just by making the videos promoting the products they are passionate about. If they really enjoy talking about the products, they would just hover the camera over their faces and shoot and talk. Perhaps, the YouTube is one of the ways which affiliate marketers can leverage on without setting up a website or a blog initially.

Though you won't have subscribers at first, it doesn't mean you won't. Build up your subscriber list by constantly producing the relevant content to your visiting audience. The algorithms of YouTube will certainly reward you with views, visitors, subscribers and clicks in no time!

Leverage using and

This is not often mentioned in many blog posts and articles out there but and Quora are essentially the great tools of starting your affiliate marketing business even if you are on a shoestring budget at first. Quora is an avenue for questions and answers. As long as you spot some questions related to the topic of your interest, you can answer accordingly. But you must not paste your affiliate links directly at the Quora content answer board as this will get you flagged for inappropriate content. Link it to your article instead.

This brings you to the method where you can freely post articles of your interests at this free article sharing platform. For more information on the use of as an affiliate marketing method for free, check this out.

Join as affiliate in affiliate programs

Once you've made your social media presence, YouTube and other channels, you can proceed to sign up as an affiliate for affiliate network programs like ClickBank, WarriorPlus, Share-A-Sale or even Builderall. All these programs are always hungry and constantly seeking new publishers who can help to promote their products.

Fortunately, we have compiled a list of all the good affiliate programs which you can consider. In order for you to access it, you can sign up in the form below to find out more.

What must be done

If you really make up your mind and set your sights high on affiliate marketing even as a beginner, you must have the correct mindset and strategies in your decision and practices.

It is critical to build up an audience so as to follow the rules of the business model. Later, when you've become a good information bank, people will recommend and help you share the products you've been promoting about. Then your information becomes critically useful as a result.

Learn how you can start affiliate marketing by building sales funnels fast with Funnels In An Hour.

Affiliate disclosure

Some of the links in the post contain affiliate links that will allow you to get the items you want. This site is a for-profit business but you are not obligated in any way to use these links. I will received a commission from the links should you make a purchase. Thank you for your support!